Tuesday 24 April 2018

April 2018 - A New year begins !

 20th April - A first opportunity to dust off the moth trap and see whats about in the garden for this year.
Lots of Wasps were attracted to the Moth trap making me a bit wary when I  checked through the egg boxes, a single Bee fly, and my first Moth of the year and new species recorded for the garden .

Nut-tree Tussock Colocasia coryli

This one took me a while to track down in my Moth field guide, hopefully I have the right identification. The flight period is about right with the adults flying between April and June and then again July to September in the south of the country. The field guide does state that the basal area of the wings has a  ground colour which can be variable from a silver to a brownish grey and described as a short cloak. The stigmata are round and outlined in black sometimes white in the centre.
The larvae of this moth feeds on a variety of deciduous trees  like Hazel, Birch and Hornbeam.

Two Hebrew Characters were also found in the trap.

Just one micro type moth in the form of a Double-Striped Pug shown below.

This tiny Moth has a wing span of 15-19mm and described as fairly common, flies in April and May and then again in August.

Described as a variable species, but always easy to recognize due to the two prominent dark fascia across each forewing which give the species its common name.The forewing ground colour is ranges from light to dark reddish brown.

I can just about make the so called prominent stripes across the forewing, and a hint of reddish brown ground colour on the forewing

Said to occupy a wide range of habitats and a regular visitor to the light trap.

Garden list

1. Brimstone
2.-Yellow Shell
4.-Straw Underwing
5 - Small Square-Spot
6.- Square Spot Rustic
7.- Lesser Yellow underwing
8.- Uncertain !
9.- Common Wainscot
10.-Light Brown Apple Moth
11.- Lime-Speck Pug
12.- Double-Striped Pug
13.-Brown House moth
14.-Common Plume

Additions to Garden list :- 15/8/16

15. Common Carpet
16. Copper Underwing
17. Spectacle
18. Scalloped Oak
19.Lesser Bordered Yellow Underwing
20. Bright line, Brown Eye
21. Jersey Tiger.

Additions - September 2016

22. The Snout *
23. Setaceous Hebrew Character *
24. The Clay *
25. Lunar Underwing (3) *

additions to garden list, March 2017

26. - Hebrew Character
27. - Common Quaker
28. - March Dagger Moth
29. - The Streamer

additions April 2017

30. - Early Grey

additions May 2017

31. - Cabbage Moth
32. - Light Emerald
33.- Common Marbled carpet
34. - Campion
35. - Peppered Moth
36. - Green Pug
37.- Silver-Ground Carpet
38. - Willow Beauty
39. - Clouded Border
40. - Marbled Minor
41. - Dark Spectacle
42. - Treble Brown Spot

additions June 2017

43.- White Ermine
44.- Magpie
45.- Common Emerald
46.- Small Magpie
47- Clouded Silver
48.- Riband Wave
49.- Large Yellow Underwing
50.- Least Carpet
51.- The Flame
52.- Spindle Ermine
53.- Rosy-striped Knot-horn
54.- L-Album Wainscot
55.- Smoky Wainscot

 Additions July 2017

56.- Riband Wave
57.- Dark Arches
58.- Early Thorn
59.- Humming-Bird Hawk-Moth ( in garden day time)
60.- Ruby Tiger

Additions for August 2017

61. White-Point
62. Elbow-stripe Grass Veneer Moth
63. Old Lady
64. Gold Triangle

additions for Sept 2017

65. - Black Rustic

additions Oct 2017

66.- Feathered Thorn,
67.- Merveille du Jour

additions April 2018

68.- Nut-Tree Tossack